Add or remove new User in your CMS

To add a new user to the CMS, follow these steps:

1. If you are an admin in your CMS, go to Administration -> User accounts.



2. Click on “add new user” on the top right.

3. In the pop-up, search for the user by the first name, last name, or email address (if the user should not show up, it is because he/she is probably not added to oneWWF yet. This is a requirement for adding the user to the CMS. Please refer to these instructions to request adding a new user to oneWWF).

4. Add the new user by clicking on the + icon next to the name.

5. Select the permissions level that the user should have. These can be different for your site, please choose the most appropriate level.

6) Select the website and languages that the user should have access to.


7) Only for If you are adding the user to CMS, make sure to select all the pages in the Page Permissions that the user should be able to edit.


8) In Article permissions, choose which themes the user should be able to add News and Publications to. This will decide, whether the Article will say “approved” or “waiting” after publishing it.




To remove a user from your CMS:

1. If you are an admin in your CMS, go to Administration -> User accounts.

2. Search for the user.


2. Click on the X next to the name. The user will not have access to the CMS anymore, but will still be added to oneWWF. Please contact oneWWF support at for deactivating the user.
