Redirects to external pages

Redirecting pages to any URL

Here is what you need to do:

1. Create the page normally
2. Create a new container
3. Select the “Special” container
4. Upload a HTML file that contains the following code (replace the blue part with the actual URL where the link should go to)

<cfif not isdefined("bAdminMode") or bAdminMode neq true>
 <cflocation url="" addtoken="False">

5. Save the container
6. Publish the page (you might get redirected instantly, so in that case please contact as, or if you are an administrator use the “batch edit” mode to publish the page.

Done! From now on people that land on this page will go directly to the external page.

As a second option using Javascript, you can place the following code into the HTML / Source part of a Text container (put in the actual URL):

<script type="text/javascript">window.location.href="";</script>

Using this code will show the original page for about 1 second and then redirect to the new target.