All posts by michobeyer

Firefox Add-on

This addon adds a rhino-shaped button on the bottom right of the Firefox browser bar, which lets you click on it while you are visiting the live WWF website (frontend), taking you to the same page or news piece in the CMS (backend). This will save you time and efforts as you would not have to go into the CMS and browse through the site structure to find the right page to edit.

This addon works for all sites on the Network CMS including subsites, and netsites hosted by WWF International.
Find a list of all the supported Pads and URLs here.

See instructions for: Mac / PC

Steps to install on a Mac

1. Click here to download the Firefox addon. Select to Open the addon using Firefox. Click on the “Choose” button to select Firefox from your Applications.

2. The browser will open and notify you about the addon to be installed. Click on “Install now” button.

3. The browser has to restart in order to activate the addon. Click on “Restart now”.

4. Once restarted, go to the browser settings: Tools -> Add-ons and make sure you are under the Extensions tab.
Next to the Rhino plugin click on the “Preferences” button.

5. The option “autorun” should be inactive.
At the “Adress to WCMS” field, type in the complete URL to your pad. If it is CMS, type in “”. If it is Italy CMS, type in “”, etc. Find a list of all the supported Pads and URLs here.

That’s it! Now let’s test if it works…

6. Go to the live site, open any page or an article, and click on the Rhino button on the lower right of your browser window.
Please note: If you don’t see the Rhino addon icon, your browser addons toolbar is probably deactivated. Go to View -> Toolbars -> and check “extensions toolbar” or “addons toolbar”.

7. A new tab will open the same page or article in the CMS. The same should work if you do it on a page. Enjoy!

Steps to install on a PC (Windows)

1. Click here to download the Firefox addon. Select to Open the addon using Firefox. Click on the “Search” button to select Firefox from your application folders.

2. If Firefox does not appear in the first list of suggested applications, choose “Search” button to select it manually. Otherwise, select Firefox, click “Accept” or “OK” and skip the next step.
3. Browse through your application folders and select the Firefox executable file. It is most probably under the folder Program Files -> Mozilla Firefox. When found, select it and click on the “Open” button.
4. Now the first window should appear again, this time having Firefox selected as the option to open it with. Click on “Accept” or “Ok”
5. The browser will now prompt you about the addon to be installed to Firefox. Click on “Install now” to proceed.

6. The browser has to restart in order to activate the addon. Click on “Restart now”.

7. Once restarted, go to the browser settings: Tools -> Add-ons (or Extensions) and make sure you are under the Extensions tab.
Next to the Rhino plugin click on the “Preferences” or “Options” button.
8. The option “autorun” should be inactive.
At the “Adress to WCMS” field, type in the complete URL to your pad. If it is CMS, type in “”. If it is Italy CMS, type in “”, etc. Find a list of all the supported Pads and URLs here.
Click OK or “Accept”.

That’s it! Now let’s test if it works…

9. Go to the live site, open any page or an article, and click on the Rhino button on the lower right of your browser window.

Please note: If you don’t see the Rhino addon icon, your browser addons toolbar is probably deactivated. Go to View -> Toolbars -> and check “extensions toolbar” or “addons toolbar”.

10. A new tab will open the same page or article in the CMS. The same should work if you do it on a page. Enjoy!

See instructions for: Mac / PC

The complete list of pads that are supported:

Global website and subsites –

France –
Italy –
New Zealand:
South Africa:

Did we forget any? Let us know.

See instructions for: Mac / PC

Site Footer / Global Elements

The Global Elements are optional containers that can be displayed above the footer of the website. This content will be the same for all pages and will be visible on all of them (unless deactivated for specific pages).

There are two types of elements that can be added, plus the Pop-ups, an additional global feature that can be activated for all, or just specific pages.

Watch the tutorials



The Tabbed Feature consists of a set of two or more tabs that can be selected. When a tab has been selected, it shows up to six images as can be seen below in the screenshot.

This feature can be used to highlight specific content with links on the footer of all the pages of the website. On it’s currently being used to show Priority Species and Priority Regions.

  1. Go to Pages -> Global Elements and select the Tabbed Feature
  2. On the new screen, select the site where you want to add the feature, and then click on “add new feature”.
  3. Now select the language (if it’s not selected automatically) and choose a name for the first tab (example: Priority Species). Also select if you want to activate the tab right away. If activated, the tab will show immediately on the website. If you don’t want this, choose to have it inactive first and reactivate later. Click Add.
  4. When the first tab has been added, you will see it in the list below. You can now go and edit this tab and add images. Click on the edit button next to the name of the first tab.
  5. Give the first element a name (for example: Marine Turtles). You can now add images by selecting from the database, or uploading a new image from your computer. If you want the element to be linked, choose the page that you wish to link it to. Click Add.
  6. Now you will see the list of all the tabs added so far. You can create additional tabs by following the steps listed above.
  7. If you activated your tabs, they will appear on your homepage.



The Promotion tab is a feature that shows up on the webpage between the page content and the footer. It can contain a Newsletter sign-up, a banner for advertising or campaigns, and a small teaser/gallery.

You can either use all three sub-elements, or one element twice. NOTE: You need to have three elements in total for this tab to appear at all.

Elements in the Feature:

  • Newsletter sign-up (currently only available on – for your website, please use one of the other two sub-elements mentioned below twice).
  • Center Image (Banner): You can put an image that will link to an internal page
  • Gallery: Small teaser with image, previous/forward arrows, and links.
  1. First element: Click on Promotion Tab on the left menu. Then click on the top right to add a new feature.
  2. Select the type of Promotion that you want to add.
    PLEASE NOTE: The newsletter sign-up is currently only available on – for your website, please use one of the other sub-elements twice – for example, two galleries and one single featured image.
  3. Select the site where this feature should show. Select a title, image and link for it. Click Save. (Make sure the site doesn’t switch back after adding the image.)
  4. Go to edit the feature you just added and make it active (by default it will be deactivated).
  5. Add a Gallery: Add a new element (there have to be total of 3 items in order to make the whole Promotion Tab appear on the website).
  6. To add a gallery, select the Gallery option and then give a name, link, image, and link description.
  7. Choose the Activate option if you want to activate this gallery right away. If not, you can first add all the images and then activate it. To add more images, go to the ‘Gallery Images’ tab.
  8. For each image, give a name, description, image, link, and button text; then click save.
  9. The added images will be appearing in the lower screen. You can edit, remove or re-arrange each item. If you need to add more images, click on the Image tab on the top.
  10. Add a 3rd Element: Remember we need to have 3 elements in the row to make the feature work.
  11. Please add one more element, following steps 2 or 3.
  12. After adding all 3 elements, they will appear on your homepage (if they had been activated earlier).

Get access to CMS

If you have an oneWWF account already but just need access to the Content Management System, send us a ticket.

If you don’t have access yet to the CMS, please check if you have already been signed up on oneWWF, as this same account will be used for the CMS. If you haven’t, please request access by sending an Email to Read more details about this here.

Admins can add users or remove them from the CMS. Please follow this guide to add your users to your websites.

If your access does not work (wrong password), please make sure you are using the correct account details. If it still does not work, please send us a ticket or reset your oneWWF password.

Interested in a WordPress blog? Please submit your request and we will review and get back to you.

Create short URLs

You can create what are known as “shortcut” or “alias” links.

You typically use these short links for marketing reasons or ease of communication, so that your customers don’t have to use the long URL where the page actually sits.

So for example is a shortcut for this page

Watch the tutorial

  1. Go to the links section inside your CMS and look for the “alias” or “shortcut” label.
  2. When you get there you’ll see on top right (very right end) a link that says “add new alias”. If you do not see the link, you will have to probably scroll to the right until it shows up.
  3. Click on “add new alias”.
  4. In the settings, add the name for your new shortcut. You can then enter the name you want, for example:
  5. Then specify which url should this shortcut point to. You can insert a full, normal URL from the site, or use the linkpicker.
  6. Once you press the save button, the shortcut will be live immediately (no need to publish anything).


The “Form Builder” container is a tool that is used to create a Form, to send data from the user to a database or e-mail address through a page on your website. It is mostly used as a newsletter sign up form or a contact form, so that users can send a message to the owner or responsible person of the website.

With this tool you can add such a contact form, or any other type of information that you want to receive, and choose if you want to send the submitted data to a specific email address or a database saved in the CMS. If you are using Mailchimp and you want to have a form that connects to your account, you can use the Mailchimp container instead.

Watch the screencast:

Or go through these steps:

1. Add your form

a) On your page, click on ‘add new container’ and select this type:

b) Select the options

  • Store in Database or
  • Send to an email Address

c) Select language

d) Apply Captcha image: this function requires the user to write a word or number into a field to check that it’s not spam.

e) Clone or copy the form builder from another form.

f) Define Post-Submission Settings: Choose the action you want to be done when a user submits the form.

  • Refresh the page
  • Show thank you message
  • Redirect to internal page (Nav ID)
  • Redirect to external page (URL)
  • Post to external server

g) Click the ‘Save’ button.


2. Configure your form

a) For your first field (ex: Name), put the name on the first field.

b) Select position: above or left

c) If you want the user to read instructions, write them in the Field Instructions text field.

d) Select the type of field: Normal text field is standard.

e) Select the aditional options and click the ‘Add’ button.

f) Repeat these steps for each field you want to add. You can add Text fields, drop down menus, radio buttons, file uploads.

g) Your Form will be added to your page once you refresh it.

If you are using Mailchimp and you want to have a form that connects to your account, you can use the Mailchimp container instead.

Redirects to external pages

Redirecting pages to any URL

Here is what you need to do:

1. Create the page normally
2. Create a new container
3. Select the “Special” container
4. Upload a HTML file that contains the following code (replace the blue part with the actual URL where the link should go to)

<cfif not isdefined("bAdminMode") or bAdminMode neq true>
 <cflocation url="" addtoken="False">

5. Save the container
6. Publish the page (you might get redirected instantly, so in that case please contact as, or if you are an administrator use the “batch edit” mode to publish the page.

Done! From now on people that land on this page will go directly to the external page.

As a second option using Javascript, you can place the following code into the HTML / Source part of a Text container (put in the actual URL):

<script type="text/javascript">window.location.href="";</script>

Using this code will show the original page for about 1 second and then redirect to the new target.

Google Analytics


General Introduction VIDEOS:



This section let’s you store files like a database. You can upload, download and modify your files here. The assets here are meant to be used on a page or an article, for example, every single image you use on your page is stored here.

The files types under Assets are: