Features Container

The Features container is a good alternative to the Carousel/Spotlight container on the homepage. This “Features” box can include 1 to 5 items all at once.


This box shows an image and a title of each item. Of course each item can link to a story, news article or page on your site (or external website).

You can choose how many items (from 1 to 5) you want to highlight at once on your homepage, landing page or normal inner page. The container will adjust the look of the container according to how many items are added: only 1 item will occupy the entire length, 2 items will be split by 50%, and then from 3 to 5 items, the main one will take 50% of the width while the others will be stacked on the other half, having always one item highlighted.


1. Create your container

01_createcontainerClick on “add new container” on your page, and select the “Full-width Feature” like in the image above.


2. Add first item

02_newitemIn the container, add your first item. Click on the link “Add a new feature”.


3. Add the settings

03_titleandlinkFor each item that you add, you first have to add the title that will be appearing above the image. The text here should not be too long, as it may cover up the image. A teaser text to make the user want to click on the link would be great.

In the field “Link to”, add the URL/link, or use the “Internal link” picker to select the page where you want to link to.

Add image: Click on “Select image” to add your image.


4. Add the image

04_selectimageHere you have to choose your image. As in the other containers, you can use the search box, for images that are already in the CMS, or upload your own one from the computer (“add new image”).


5. Save!

05_saveitemAfter selecting the image or adding your own one, click the Save button.


6. Congratulations!06_oneitem

Your first image has been added! Right now your Features container covers one item. If you just want to highlight one piece, that’s ok. You can publish your page. But you can also add more items (up to 5 in total).


7. Add more items

07_addanotherClick again on “edit container” and choose “add a new feature” that will be added to the list. Repeat the steps 2 – 6 for every item that you want to add.


8. Second item added!

08_twoitemsThis is how your container will split when there are 2 items


3 items!



4 items!



5 items!


If you have any questions, please let us know by sending us a ticket to: support@wwfinternational.zendesk.com.